XYZ Position Libraries in HogIII


Does anyone know if XYZ programming has been included in the Hog III software?

Best regards,

Bish :confused:
  • Brad I am not sure if you intended this thread to turn into a poll of XYZ position usage but I thought I would throw out my view.

    I used the Hog 2 stuff for a couple of years before the Hog 3 came out. I never really used the XYZ position feature on the Hog 2 in a real show environment. Therefore, I have not missed it on the Hog 3. Like you said I just typically touch up all the positions as soon as the rig is up & I can go dark in the house. The feature of being able to have palettes reference other palettes on the Hog 3 lets me trim down the number of actual positions I typically need to update.

    My vote would be to work on other features ahead of XYZ positioning. I have never seen a poll that queried the users out there to get their priority on future features. I am not sure what my top priority would be amongst the greater list. I know for some it may be richer redundancy capabilities with multiple consoles. For others, keyboard macros.

    Kevin Montagne
    kevin (at) litkam (dot) com
  • Brad I am not sure if you intended this thread to turn into a poll of XYZ position usage but I thought I would throw out my view.

    I used the Hog 2 stuff for a couple of years before the Hog 3 came out. I never really used the XYZ position feature on the Hog 2 in a real show environment. Therefore, I have not missed it on the Hog 3. Like you said I just typically touch up all the positions as soon as the rig is up & I can go dark in the house. The feature of being able to have palettes reference other palettes on the Hog 3 lets me trim down the number of actual positions I typically need to update.

    My vote would be to work on other features ahead of XYZ positioning. I have never seen a poll that queried the users out there to get their priority on future features. I am not sure what my top priority would be amongst the greater list. I know for some it may be richer redundancy capabilities with multiple consoles. For others, keyboard macros.

    Kevin Montagne
    kevin (at) litkam (dot) com
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