Page Editor

Is there any way to view/edit the cuelists on a page without activating the page?

I'd really like to have something like a page editor that would allow building a page or modifying the contents of an existing page.

Also, how about something like PAGE x LIVE COPY PAGE y that would copy only the active fader cuelists to a new page.

Maybe this has been requested already??
  • Hi Ed.
    Actually there's not a way to alter page contents, but being in the page itself. However there's a good option that might fit your needs.
    Basically when you change page, you have 3 different options you can choose from. 1. Release all 2. holdover if active 3. leave in background.
    Specifically the third option is the one you may use to achieve what you're asking for. Go to Preferences Misc and choose this option from the change page option dropdown menu.
    Now you can go to the page you want , edit it and your output on stage is not gonna be changed whatsoever.
    Hope this helps
  • Hi Ed.
    Actually there's not a way to alter page contents, but being in the page itself. However there's a good option that might fit your needs.
    Basically when you change page, you have 3 different options you can choose from. 1. Release all 2. holdover if active 3. leave in background.
    Specifically the third option is the one you may use to achieve what you're asking for. Go to Preferences Misc and choose this option from the change page option dropdown menu.
    Now you can go to the page you want , edit it and your output on stage is not gonna be changed whatsoever.
    Hope this helps
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