Road Hog item

During a show I hade some trouble with conv. Lights and hade to re-patch some fictures. The re-patch during the problem.... but closing the patchwindow the desk save this and the output of the deskchannels did't strange effects.
Is there a other option to re-patch without the desk save the show.
This was a very small setup, wat will be the effect with a big show!!!!
  • This is because when changes are made to the patch the internal OB process will load the new data to the super-widget and during that time there is a brief drop in dmx refresh. Most automated fixtures will close their shutters when this happens and the dimmer packs, depending on manufacturer will either stay on or drop out briefly. However, there is no reason for the house dimmers in this case to just come on. We will look at this closely with dmx workshop and see if we are sending out any funky dmx values during the OB reload.
  • This is because when changes are made to the patch the internal OB process will load the new data to the super-widget and during that time there is a brief drop in dmx refresh. Most automated fixtures will close their shutters when this happens and the dimmer packs, depending on manufacturer will either stay on or drop out briefly. However, there is no reason for the house dimmers in this case to just come on. We will look at this closely with dmx workshop and see if we are sending out any funky dmx values during the OB reload.
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