Palette Update Bug?

Has anyone had problems updating palettes via the auto-update box?

I've seen the problem a number of times and on several versions of software as follows:

(1) All parameters of lamp X are in one IPCB palette within running cue.
(2) Modification made to more than one of these parameters.
(3) Update key pressed, dialogue box displays options for cue or palette.
(4) Palette option selected. Cue option does not deselect, so is deselected manually.
(5) Update ok'd however not all parameters are updated into palette. (ie: modifications would be lost when clear pressed)
(6) Update key pressed again, palette selected, cue option deselects and update is sucessful.
  • Dave,

    You mention "several software versions" Have you seen the problem with both the cue and the palette being selected on v2.3.1? We fixed this bug that did exist in v2.3.0. Are you updating a reference palette or a normal palette?

    I have been reading bug #7977 which seems like it might be related to the problem you describe. I think it is related as Pryderi states with having more than one parameter mask and also multiple fixtures in the palette. I have added your comments to the bug.

    This bug is currently targeted for a future release. Can you please send me your show file at: and also let me know which cuelist and palette you saw this problem with?

  • Dave,

    You mention "several software versions" Have you seen the problem with both the cue and the palette being selected on v2.3.1? We fixed this bug that did exist in v2.3.0. Are you updating a reference palette or a normal palette?

    I have been reading bug #7977 which seems like it might be related to the problem you describe. I think it is related as Pryderi states with having more than one parameter mask and also multiple fixtures in the palette. I have added your comments to the bug.

    This bug is currently targeted for a future release. Can you please send me your show file at: and also let me know which cuelist and palette you saw this problem with?

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