Wanting some insight from you wise ones....

So, I'm fairly new to the lighting scene, but I've done my homework, read a couple of books and read the Hog manual twice now. I feel pretty good about the programming aspect (at least w/ the experience I currently have) but I feel a little challenged when it comes to setting up my console for playback. I have a couple of shows coming up where I won't really know the material (live music) until I get there, so I would like to hear some insight from some of you pros out there.
I've heard it referred to as 'busking', or making looks on the fly, so what are some ways you guys might go about doing this? I've thought about using IPCB faders, or putting perhaps colors on a couple of faders, positions on a couple, so on and so forth, but I've not yet really tested them out in a live situation. Are cue stacks useful in this situation, or should I just make a bunch of generic scenes and cue them from the directory?
Anyway, I'm not looking for any 'trade secrets', just some general insight from you wise ones.
Using an iPC by the way...
Thanks all!
  • See, your new and already have the answer, any thing you mention above is use for live shows, don't be fixated on only one or two way to build your show, make it with all the tools the console offer you.
    Make a FOH cuelist HTP fader (white)
    Make a FOH colour cuelist HTP fader (with 2 or 3 cues, each with different colour)
    For every moving light type make is own cuelist (2 or 3 faders)
    Make an IPCB Strobe fader
    All the effect will fire from the cue list directory (147 effects in front of you)
    and all the colour and Gobo, change from the other cuelist directory after you cut it to two.
    That leaves you with 5 empty Faders and a GM with a lot of scenes to put there any fog machine, Leds or a UV lamp, an empty Park window so you can light up the reception area and your director desk lamp and enough veiws with a different layout of the cuelist directory to run the Olympic vie internet at the same time.

    Hope this halp

  • See, your new and already have the answer, any thing you mention above is use for live shows, don't be fixated on only one or two way to build your show, make it with all the tools the console offer you.
    Make a FOH cuelist HTP fader (white)
    Make a FOH colour cuelist HTP fader (with 2 or 3 cues, each with different colour)
    For every moving light type make is own cuelist (2 or 3 faders)
    Make an IPCB Strobe fader
    All the effect will fire from the cue list directory (147 effects in front of you)
    and all the colour and Gobo, change from the other cuelist directory after you cut it to two.
    That leaves you with 5 empty Faders and a GM with a lot of scenes to put there any fog machine, Leds or a UV lamp, an empty Park window so you can light up the reception area and your director desk lamp and enough veiws with a different layout of the cuelist directory to run the Olympic vie internet at the same time.

    Hope this halp

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