Custom fixture selections

Good morning- or afternoon on the East.

I have been working on a rig with 24 color blasts all lined up in a row across the stage, lighting different scenic elements. I have been trying to create a chase or an effect where all units have a base color of purple, then creating a green color shift that uses 3 units at a time, but fades from one to another in a marquee fashion. So for the first step all units are purple and units 1-3 are green. The next step units 2-4 are green, rest are purple including unit 1. Step 3 is 3-5 at green rest at purple. I know that buddy's and repeats are used for fan effects, but is there a efficient way to select a group of 3 fixtures then hit "next" and the group of 3 moves over one fixture?

I have ended up creating 25 individual groups, representing the different steps and created the chase that way. It just took a lot of time setting up the groups.

I do not what fixtures to pass through other colors getting from green to purple, otherwise I could just use a fanned effect from the effects pallet.

Looking for any suggestions. Thanks for any help.

  • Yes, it's tempting isn't it, to try to make color effects in the effects engine using specific colors only, but I have yet to do it successfully myself. Close on occasion, by messing with the starting values and efffects sizes etc. but still not ever what I was looking for. Virtual masters running a cuelist triggered by a macro help, but it would be nice to be able to make color effects with specific color fades, like you wanted. Anyone who has info on solving this problem, namely, a color sine effect (sine) where you can specify color A and a color B to fade to, I'd love to know it.
  • Yes, it's tempting isn't it, to try to make color effects in the effects engine using specific colors only, but I have yet to do it successfully myself. Close on occasion, by messing with the starting values and efffects sizes etc. but still not ever what I was looking for. Virtual masters running a cuelist triggered by a macro help, but it would be nice to be able to make color effects with specific color fades, like you wanted. Anyone who has info on solving this problem, namely, a color sine effect (sine) where you can specify color A and a color B to fade to, I'd love to know it.
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