Hog iPC controller losing power

I've been working on my iPC for the last couple of days, and the controller will lose power. The desklights go out, lights on buttons go out, and I get no function from any of the buttons or trackball. I can tap the face of it, and it comes back on and everything appears to be fine. What can we do to fix this? Loose cable? Bad solder? Do I need to send it in (I hope it is something you can tell me how to fix...)? Please let me know as this is a rental console as well.
  • I have seen similar behavior with our iPC. For us the problem is static electricity. If I am walking around in our capeted auditorium then come back to the board, sometimes I'll shock the console (usually on an encoder wheel) and the console blanks out -- all lights turn off and no response to any input -- for about 10 seconds then it comes back to life. It is fairly repeatable, although I try not to do it.

    I've gotten in the habit of discharging myself on something else before touching the board everytime I come back to the console.
  • I have seen similar behavior with our iPC. For us the problem is static electricity. If I am walking around in our capeted auditorium then come back to the board, sometimes I'll shock the console (usually on an encoder wheel) and the console blanks out -- all lights turn off and no response to any input -- for about 10 seconds then it comes back to life. It is fairly repeatable, although I try not to do it.

    I've gotten in the habit of discharging myself on something else before touching the board everytime I come back to the console.
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