There's a question about mark cue (moving in black) timing on HOG IPC v2.3.1 (1932), maybe it's been discussed in another thread but I was'nt able to find it.
Ex: Cue 1 fixture 1 goes at full green in 10 sec.
Cue 2 fixture 1 goes at 0 intensity in 5 sec.
Mark Cue 3 fixture 1 goes at full red and different position in 20 sec.
On cue 3 i'll wait 20 sec for the moving in black and then i'll have a fade in of 20, because the mark cue will play using fade times as assigned.
May I need to have a moving in black time as fast as possible for the fixture in different cues, do I correct for each cue pan,tilt or so on timing by hand down the cuelist?
It's possible to have something a “default mark time”, no matter about fade times of the cue that contains the marking data?
I was'nt able to find this feature, maybe really useful for long cuelists.