Follow command not working

Road Hog

I have a cuelist with a follow command that is not working. I use plenty of follows in other cuelists and even some follows in the cuelist with the issue, but for some reason this one won't trigger.

I have tried halting it and re adding a new follow.

Any ideas.

This only happened after I updated the desks software from v2.2.2.

  • You should probably send in your showfile.

    :33: The fact that the list ran fine on its' own but not in your show makes me think that it might be something else somewhere in your show.

    :33: Take a closer look at what else is happening in your show as far as other lists/scenes etc to make sure that nothing is being overriden by priority level or possibly stomped as well.

    :33: Also look at what the fader and flash keys are assigned to do for this list...there may be something there that is causing a conflict for you.

    [quote=chrislighthall]I will use that new cuelist. Why would that happen?

    When changing software versions things can happen like this....especially when improvements/changes have been made to how cuelists function as was the case in these software versions.

    Hope this helps:)
  • You should probably send in your showfile.

    :33: The fact that the list ran fine on its' own but not in your show makes me think that it might be something else somewhere in your show.

    :33: Take a closer look at what else is happening in your show as far as other lists/scenes etc to make sure that nothing is being overriden by priority level or possibly stomped as well.

    :33: Also look at what the fader and flash keys are assigned to do for this list...there may be something there that is causing a conflict for you.

    [quote=chrislighthall]I will use that new cuelist. Why would that happen?

    When changing software versions things can happen like this....especially when improvements/changes have been made to how cuelists function as was the case in these software versions.

    Hope this helps:)
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