Road Hog
I had this issue with an earlier software version, but it seems to still be happening.
The console doesn't seem to properly load a pages activity. I can set the cuelists in the page the way I want, then select 'capture activity', run the show with no problems, but the next day the console will display that the cuelist is in the right state except that when I hit go for the first time it jumps to the beginning of the cuelist.
Another way of saying it.
-Cuelist 19 has 20 cues in it.
-I don't want to delete any cues, but I need it to be loaded into cue 5 when I select the page that it is attached to.
-I setup capture activity so the cuelist loads the cue I want when the page is selected.
-I run the show with no problems
-The next day I load that page during the show. The cuelist tool bar says that it is loaded in cue 5. There is a sign that it has not worked because it lists cue 5 as the current cue, but it doesn't look right.(honestly I would need to be in front of my desk to describe it correctly)
-I hit 'go' to execute what should be cue six. I have had the fader down because I am starting in the middle of the list.
-When I hit go the list jumps back to cue one even though the desk was telling me it was in cue 5.
Does that make sense
I should mention that the original software version when I programmed the show wash v2.2.1. Capture activity worked fine before upgrading to v2.2.2 and on.