V2.3.2 B1932
1 - Hog III
1 - X-Wing
2 - DP 2000
Issue - In the course of running a show, I had 2 VM's running as well as 2 scenes that were attached to the wing. The scenes were set as ICBF faders. One was a gobo roll and the other was an FX engine chase. The VM's that were running were 2 different color FX chases.
At one point, all chases stopped. I looked down at my first DP and it was resetting. It wouldn't sync up, so I did a hard reset and it came back online at that point.
The interesting thing is that it only took out the first DP and not the second one. In this instance, the second DP was a cloned version of the first one, so technically everything that was happening to the first DP should have happened to the second one as well.