(1932) Bug Report: Lying output window

V2.3.2 B1932
1 - Hog III
1 - X-Wing
2 - DP 2000

Issue - The output window is giving false information again. I have intensity for fixtures written into a cue, but I also have it on the wing to I can ride faders as necessary. The information in the cue has the fixtures at 40%, and I have the wing faders at 70%. The level constantly jumps between 40 and 70%. When I look at the source, it is also jumping back and forth between the cue list and the wing fader.

Another time the levels would jump from 0 to the percentage I had on the wing. Looking at the source in this instance showed that it was released, then back to the wing.

In neither instance was actual output affected. It was all in the output window.

This is something that has been around for ages. I haven't seen it in a while, but it looks like it's back.
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