Super Widget vs. DP2000

When expanding a Road Hog Full Boar to eight universes, are there any big Pros & Cons of using a Super Widget versus a DP2000 ?

I doubt this, but does HES/FPS have one scenario that they recommend over the other?

  • I can say from my experience that you should not mix up dp's and superwidgets. This will cause you to have very bad timing issues.
    e.g.: you have a few universes of leds und run effects.... the built effects looks fine one stage -> so you record it to a cuelist -> play the list and woooooo this looks strange.

    The other reason to use the widgets is - you can load them near to full.
    try this with your dp's.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

    all the best and good luck Roman
  • I can say from my experience that you should not mix up dp's and superwidgets. This will cause you to have very bad timing issues.
    e.g.: you have a few universes of leds und run effects.... the built effects looks fine one stage -> so you record it to a cuelist -> play the list and woooooo this looks strange.

    The other reason to use the widgets is - you can load them near to full.
    try this with your dp's.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

    all the best and good luck Roman
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