Hog iPC Extrenal Touchscreen Resolutions


I have a client with an interesting question. They have an iPC and connected standard a 19-inch external monitor for their 3rd monitor. They were able to pick from several resolutions and fit more screen area onto their external monitor. (Viewing lots of palettes, long cue lists, etc.)

They recently purchased an ELO 17" Touchscreen monitor and began using that for the 3rd monitor on their iPC. However, when the console detects the 3rd touchscreen, it limits the resolution options to 800 x 600. Also it recognizes the 3rd monitor as a 12" rather than a 17". (I.e. it looks like the driver is for a 12" monitor rather than a 17".) They are using recent software. So I have some questions.

1. Is the resolution limit based on the touchscreen so that the desk doesn't bog down or is the resolution limited because any higher resoultions would be difficult for the touchscreen to interpet? (I.e. the squares get so small for palettes that you can't hit one with out bumping the adjacent one.)

2. Is there a more recent driver for the 17" ELO monitors for the iPC?
(Windows XPe)

3. I know that the iPC had some different video cards so has there been in a change in video cards that would allow an increase in resolution? Their desk was new in Dec 06 / Jan 07.

Thanks in advance.

Travis Slyter
Ruehling Associates, Inc.