(1949) Bug Report: Patching Command Line Doesn't Match Action

(I've been meaning to post this one for a while. Don't think I've seen it listed anywhere.)

Name: Phil Gilbert
Date: 03/05/2008
System: Hog 3 PC (I believe this happens on all consoles as well)
Software Version and build number: v2.3.2 (1949)
Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used:

Add eight fixtures (VL3000 for example) in the Fixture Schedule.

Adjust user numbers to be 101-104 and 111-114.

Type: [101] [THRU] [AT] (Select a universe) [ENTER]

Command line will probably say 'VL3000 Spot 101 > VL3500 Spot 114 Patch@ 1/1/1'

However, what actually gets patched is 101>104. I believe that the command line is actually wrong on this one, as a break in user numbering should default to a selection break (i.e. [101] [THRU] [ENTER] should result in a selection of 101-104 and NOT a selection of 101-114).

Hope that all made sense.


  • Steph,

    I very much appreciate your persistence on this.

    I believe this is an issue specifically when you have two ranges of the exact same type of fixture next to each other.

    In your example, if 51-54 were Mac 700 spots, 61-64 were Mac 700 spots, and there were no other fixtures between these two ranges, then you would have a situation where this problem could occur.

    In this case, you could patch 51-54 to an output by typing:


    Notice that I did not close the range. This is automatically done by the console because of the gap in user numbering. (This is EXACTLY what should happen.)

    However, the COMMAND LINE would read 'Mac 700 Spot 51 > Mac 700 Spot 64 Patch@ 1/1/1'

    So, just to be clear, the console is patching exactly how I expect (and want) it to.

    The only problem here is that the command line is not displaying the same range as what I have just patched.

    The command line readout is the only thing that seems to have a problem here.

    I hope that has made the issue more clear.


  • Steph,

    I very much appreciate your persistence on this.

    I believe this is an issue specifically when you have two ranges of the exact same type of fixture next to each other.

    In your example, if 51-54 were Mac 700 spots, 61-64 were Mac 700 spots, and there were no other fixtures between these two ranges, then you would have a situation where this problem could occur.

    In this case, you could patch 51-54 to an output by typing:


    Notice that I did not close the range. This is automatically done by the console because of the gap in user numbering. (This is EXACTLY what should happen.)

    However, the COMMAND LINE would read 'Mac 700 Spot 51 > Mac 700 Spot 64 Patch@ 1/1/1'

    So, just to be clear, the console is patching exactly how I expect (and want) it to.

    The only problem here is that the command line is not displaying the same range as what I have just patched.

    The command line readout is the only thing that seems to have a problem here.

    I hope that has made the issue more clear.


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