(I've been meaning to post this one for a while. Don't think I've seen it listed anywhere.)
Name: Phil Gilbert
Date: 03/05/2008
System: Hog 3 PC (I believe this happens on all consoles as well)
Software Version and build number: v2.3.2 (1949)
Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used:
Add eight fixtures (VL3000 for example) in the Fixture Schedule.
Adjust user numbers to be 101-104 and 111-114.
Type: [101] [THRU] [AT] (Select a universe) [ENTER]
Command line will probably say 'VL3000 Spot 101 > VL3500 Spot 114 Patch@ 1/1/1'
However, what actually gets patched is 101>104. I believe that the command line is actually wrong on this one, as a break in user numbering should default to a selection break (i.e. [101] [THRU] [ENTER] should result in a selection of 101-104 and NOT a selection of 101-114).
Hope that all made sense.