Live Playback Advice

I recently took over running lights for a sports team on a HogIII. I had about 4 days of on the job training and have been trying out new techniques each pre-game and I have also been reading most of the threads here.

The current setup has gotten me stuck a few times where I could not get all the lights out quick enough before play resumed. The "hand me down" method I learned for creating different looks was to run a cuelist on a fader with a ballyhoo, can-can, etc... and then I select the lights from a palette and pick a new color, effect or gobo as needed. When I am done with that look, I bring down the fader to fade out the lights then I hit release and clear. However, about 25% of the time, when I bring down the fader, the look stays up (until I hit either release or clear) and it seems like the fader has lost control over intensity. Any clues to why the fader does this? I have tried pinning down exact keystrokes or cues that cause this, but I cannot find any pattern.

Additionally, since this method enters the edit mode, I asume that this is not the best way (or even proper way) to mix on the fly and I would be better off making seperate cuelists for colors, effects, and so-on. Does anyone have a reccomendation for setting up a board for the specific playback nature or a sporting event (Mainly quick releases and colors/effects piled on top of a ballywho type move)?

Thanks Much!

  • DJ,

    There isn't a real advantage to running Scenes like this since you can only really look at one at a time. Stick to triggering the Scenes from the Scene Directory.

    You aren't really seeing the programmer, you are seeing a separate editor....and yes the programmer is an editor (notice that if you have anything in the programmer when doing this it doesn't go away, but you also see the new editor and the BLIND key is lit).

    You can only access the blue Playback Controls if your Scene is attached to a master.....which, granted, is not really detailed in the manual, and since it is attached to a master you might as well use the actual keys to control it.

    So if you really and truly want to see the playback controls do this...

    Open the Scene Directory (OPEN + SCENE)
    Move the Scene you want to control to a master (SCENE ##, MOVE, CHOOSE)
    Open the Scene (OPEN + CHOOSE)
    From the top row of buttons select PLAY CONTROLS (all the way to the left next to the OPTIONS one)

    You should now see blue playback controls above the toolbar.

    Hope this helps:)
  • DJ,

    There isn't a real advantage to running Scenes like this since you can only really look at one at a time. Stick to triggering the Scenes from the Scene Directory.

    You aren't really seeing the programmer, you are seeing a separate editor....and yes the programmer is an editor (notice that if you have anything in the programmer when doing this it doesn't go away, but you also see the new editor and the BLIND key is lit).

    You can only access the blue Playback Controls if your Scene is attached to a master.....which, granted, is not really detailed in the manual, and since it is attached to a master you might as well use the actual keys to control it.

    So if you really and truly want to see the playback controls do this...

    Open the Scene Directory (OPEN + SCENE)
    Move the Scene you want to control to a master (SCENE ##, MOVE, CHOOSE)
    Open the Scene (OPEN + CHOOSE)
    From the top row of buttons select PLAY CONTROLS (all the way to the left next to the OPTIONS one)

    You should now see blue playback controls above the toolbar.

    Hope this helps:)
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