Effects in my cue list

Hi Folks:

I'm running a hog 3pc (latest version) and im hitting a bit of an issue. If i call an effect for my LED boxes, (PixelRange Arc R's and Elation Octapods) i can get it started with no problems, but i cant get it stopped. for example if its in a cue, i have it running and when i try to stop the effect in the next cue, it keeps running -- ive tried creating an effect with no rate on it but that doesnt seem to work right.

i need to use it for tomorrow, and im a bit out of ideas :)


PS -- IM is good (see addresses below) if thats good for you
  • Jon's advice was good...and mine...well, Recording forward off in this situation doesn't help at all, cause the tracked information is already there and in this situation we are not adding new information. It just creates a hard value to the next cue.
    So, forget the cue only...
    But opening the cue and setting table off should work and Jon's tip recording off effect palettes and using it to make the table go off.
  • Jon's advice was good...and mine...well, Recording forward off in this situation doesn't help at all, cause the tracked information is already there and in this situation we are not adding new information. It just creates a hard value to the next cue.
    So, forget the cue only...
    But opening the cue and setting table off should work and Jon's tip recording off effect palettes and using it to make the table go off.
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