Color Command Electronic Strobing H3PC

Hi, everyone,

I've been playing with 3PC and the ESP Vision Demo (using the ESP demo show files) and I can't get the Color Commands to strobe above 10Hz. What am I missing here? I know their mode has to be set to Strobe Mode Electronic which I am doing by pressing Mode then Strobe Mode Electronic. Is there something else I have to do to put them in this mode? Thanks!

  • Cat,

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I was referring to the Studio Commands, not Color Commands. It seems like there is some concept I'm missing. The Studio Cammand manual refers to the Studio Commands being capable of strobing from 5-33Hz but I can only get it to strobe at 10Hz in the Hog3PC. In the Mode menu from the toolbar, there are three strobe mode settings, but they don't seem to have any effect on the strobe rate. And in the Fixture Editor, I only see a max strobe rate of 10Hz.

  • Cat,

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I was referring to the Studio Commands, not Color Commands. It seems like there is some concept I'm missing. The Studio Cammand manual refers to the Studio Commands being capable of strobing from 5-33Hz but I can only get it to strobe at 10Hz in the Hog3PC. In the Mode menu from the toolbar, there are three strobe mode settings, but they don't seem to have any effect on the strobe rate. And in the Fixture Editor, I only see a max strobe rate of 10Hz.

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