We got a situation here.We offer you two Hog ipc show files as attachment.We loaded the show files,everything is alright.But at the moment we turn to next page(the playback page),an error occurs,and this error makes the console don’t work.Could you tell me why this error happen?And how we can avoid this incident.It is an urgent incident.
We will take a look at this today. When you have an urgent issue, it is best to contact the support department directly at 800-890-8989 or support@flyingpig.com
I will report back any findings here after we look at the shows.
What build of software are you running? It seems to load and change pages fine on my standalone PC. What error are you seeing? Does it work if you specify a page instead of using the next page button (i.e. page 2, enter)
Okay, when we load this show on an iPC running 2.3.2 b1949 and change pages 50+ times in a row we see an Class FPS: Runtime Error. Is that what you are seeing?
We are looking for a workaround right now. This is most likely a memory issue and will require some changes to the show. Standby, we are looking closely.
Try going into the preferences window under misc and change the page change action preference to "holdover if active". This seems to solve the problem. Looks like this could be an issue with how we stack up playbacks in memory when the "leave in background" option is turned on.
Thanks for your suggest.We do it as you tell us:go into the preferences window under misc and change the page change action preference to "holdover if active",after we do that,everything is ok,no error anymore.But other problem occurs.When we set it "holdover if active",it makes us inconvenient,if we want to hit the same playback, another page,however,the former cue is also active. And could you offer me another solution for this problem.
If you are not concerned about losing playback from the previous page you could use "release" on page change. I am not sure how that would work in you scheme of playback though.