New release still not dealing with fade times

So, here we go again. We have anew release but everytime I update or record/merge a cue or string of cues in a cuelist the cuelist window time column freaks out and displays seemingly randon numbers, I've been here before with this issue and gotten no valuable response. Maybe Brad has some new news?

  • Hmm... I remember there has been a discussion about time tracking. Merge and update with forward off causes some kind of a cue only operation to time also. However, the actual result seems to be just zero seconds in fade column and if I open the cue there's no zero seconds... When a merge to multiple cues is done this happens to all cues, zero second time is added to all "cue only" cues... for me this seems to be a bug... at least when I'm adding new information to cue.
  • Hmm... I remember there has been a discussion about time tracking. Merge and update with forward off causes some kind of a cue only operation to time also. However, the actual result seems to be just zero seconds in fade column and if I open the cue there's no zero seconds... When a merge to multiple cues is done this happens to all cues, zero second time is added to all "cue only" cues... for me this seems to be a bug... at least when I'm adding new information to cue.
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