Hi Guys
Im programing a show with the Latest version of the hog3 pc and im running into some problems. Usually when I using the Hog its just for my movers but for this show it is 100 conventionals and 2 mac 250's. This is a dance show with alot of cues. So I have some questions. I had to switch my cuelist to cue only because of the conventionals but now it is affecting my movers. I cant seem to use the mark cue function with cue only on. Is this right? Also what it the best way for me to program a black out cue at the end of the song. Where all the intensities are off and I dont want the movers moving yet. BTW The macros seem diabled when I have cue only on. But I guess that makes sense since they cant affect the other ques.
Also is it possiable to write just one que number as a que only and not have to change the whole list over to que only? Let me know if there is a better way i should be doing this.