So repeatable issue on a full boar, and i've had similiar in the past with the ipc (this may have been covered before but i didn't see it)
When starting a full boar with external monitors plugged in it royally screws with the system and it doesnt know which screen is which.
Case in point, today powered on with 2 ext monitors plugged in, Right internal monitor shows nothing, left internal thinks it's the right one, ext Disp one thinks it's the right internal, ext disp 2 thinks it's an external.
Fix at the moment is to boot up with externals unplugged, and then plug them in after boot up and the nwork fine.
I've had a similiar issue with the ipc in the past and when i had called tech support about it it was news to them.
So has anyone else had this happen? I dont mind plugging/re-plugging on boot-up, but if i have to restart the console during a show it's going to suck.
Just turning the monitors off doesn't resolve it upon boot-up, DVI cables must be unplugged.
For reference 2.4.0 software, ext monitor #1 17" ELo touch, ext monitor #2 17" Dell