Helping programming theater

I'm having a hard time figuring what is the best way to program a theatrical style cuestack, even if jsut for one act or so- here is my dilema-

i want to keep tracking active, (not use cueonly) as it always ends up helping me, BUT i need to program the stack out of order.

say we program cue 50, 51, 52, then 60, 61, etc. I then want to record / insert cues at the beginning, taking advantage of tracking for the cues I write before those, but not affecting the ones I already wrote? I read something about blocking or not tracking forward, yet i can't seem to master making it work as i want everytime.

say i want to work off the values of cue 50? If say cue 50 had 5 studio color 575 at c50% and y75%, a position preset, and the beam shape where i wanted it then i wanted cue 40 to use some mac250s and include those 5 scolors as well but to have something like c0% m100% y0%. all without having to jump back and figure out where the beam shape was (without using a pallette) :aargh4: then i also don't want those values from the mac250s to move along to cues 60, 61.

i'm sure it's going to be something very simple and will surely help me once i find out that mystical bit i'm missing.

  • If you are adding things at the beginning of your list (or in the middle) I find it useful to go to the first cue and select all fixtures and press touch forcing all parameters into the programer then merging that into the cue 1 (for example) then - whatever you do in cue .5 won't affect cue 1.

    So now if you copy cue 50 (Copy State is a useful thing to remember) into cue .5 cue 1 will look the same as you started with.

    Also, depending how your list shapes up, it might be useful to add a blocking or what I call a Default cue at certain points during the show. If the show is easily divided up into sections or after blackouts for example. This way if you change something in one cue it can only track through so far before it is forced back to its default or whatever programmed value you had before the change.
  • If you are adding things at the beginning of your list (or in the middle) I find it useful to go to the first cue and select all fixtures and press touch forcing all parameters into the programer then merging that into the cue 1 (for example) then - whatever you do in cue .5 won't affect cue 1.

    So now if you copy cue 50 (Copy State is a useful thing to remember) into cue .5 cue 1 will look the same as you started with.

    Also, depending how your list shapes up, it might be useful to add a blocking or what I call a Default cue at certain points during the show. If the show is easily divided up into sections or after blackouts for example. This way if you change something in one cue it can only track through so far before it is forced back to its default or whatever programmed value you had before the change.
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