Server will not start on XP SP3 with Kaspersky

I've upgraded to 2.5 (after having to use the MS util to uninstall 2.4) and now the server will not start saying " The Show Server is not responding. Would you like to wait" (Nothing shows up in the launcher window either (launching playback, desktop, etc))- I use Kaspersky 7 Anti-Virus, and I know that it's somehow interferring, yet the problem only seems to go away when I uninstall the AV application. It's not an off the wall AV app, so I don't really know why it's going crazy with not working. Prior to this, I just created an exclusion zone for the FP folder within the program files folder and all was well ... not so much anymore. Did any of the files move (server, desktop, launcher, etc )all seem to be in the same place.

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