MIDI/Time code help on Hog3

I was wondering if anyone knows of any tutorials or forums to get me started on how to do MIDI or Time Code on the Hog 3 software. I am completely new to the MIDI and Time Code approach to programing and want to learn more on it. The church I work for is wanting to sync up Pro Tools with Video and Lighting. Ive heard that Pro Tools can send an MSC signal. Does anyone have any knowledge on how to go about this, or have done such a thing? Or sync to video through Time Code?
Any help in this area will be most appreciated.

  • Dave's point about gain control is important. Think of LTC as an audio signal. On the receiving end the widget needs to convert the audio into time. Having the level in the right range makes a big difference. Being right on the edge will cause intermittent drops. And probably not until right before showtime!

    With gain, you can drop it until it stops (make a note) and turn it up until it stops (note it again) and then set it in the middle of that range.

    "Cool as a moose"
  • Dave's point about gain control is important. Think of LTC as an audio signal. On the receiving end the widget needs to convert the audio into time. Having the level in the right range makes a big difference. Being right on the edge will cause intermittent drops. And probably not until right before showtime!

    With gain, you can drop it until it stops (make a note) and turn it up until it stops (note it again) and then set it in the middle of that range.

    "Cool as a moose"
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