every couple of months...a gentle prod

Gimmee, gimme, vista. Vista, vista, vista. Seriously, I can't find beg borrow or steal laptop with Window XP. Ok, maybe I'm not really trying all that hard, but the Vista soon to come message....aiiiiiiigh!:dunno:

I'm one of those gotta get the new thing guys and am dying to try out a Vista hog3pc operating system on my new hptouchsmart with two elo screens and esp vision for pre-vis.

Just prodding:poke:.



Send me a beta test and I'll send you a bottle of scotch:friday:single malt!
  • This is not the best venue to discuss software internals. The important point is that there are behavioral differences between XP and Vista that effect how 3PC works, and can significantly degrade the user experience.

    In my earlier post, I wanted to point out some specifics of what to look out for. You'd be shocked at the number of support calls we get that go something like this: "It works fine on Vista, why are you holding out on us? Oh, by the way, I can't shutdown properly so I have to kill the processes and it corrupted my patch database. Could you fix that?"

    If you want to run on Vista, the installer hacks are well documented. We've made no attempt to hide or supress that information. In the end it's up to you, and how comfortable you are running your shows in an unsupported configuration.
  • This is not the best venue to discuss software internals. The important point is that there are behavioral differences between XP and Vista that effect how 3PC works, and can significantly degrade the user experience.

    In my earlier post, I wanted to point out some specifics of what to look out for. You'd be shocked at the number of support calls we get that go something like this: "It works fine on Vista, why are you holding out on us? Oh, by the way, I can't shutdown properly so I have to kill the processes and it corrupted my patch database. Could you fix that?"

    If you want to run on Vista, the installer hacks are well documented. We've made no attempt to hide or supress that information. In the end it's up to you, and how comfortable you are running your shows in an unsupported configuration.
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