Disable Release on Wings

I think this was already requested but can't find it anymore.

Can we have an option in the Control Panel to disable Release, next Page, and Assert on Wings?
Sometimes I got Somebody sitting next to me who got an additonal wing for TV Lights or switching cameras or things like that.
Last time it happened again, that this guy, who wasn't that familiar with lighting desks, pressed the next page button by accident, you could believe what happened......
Fortunately I had a Save Activity on the next Page, so the stage did not go completely dark...

  • hi Rolf

    Maybe Record all that the other guy will use in the wings and create a TEMPLATE will help.
    so, he can raise and low the faders as will and not tmess whit your programing.
    some like your experience happens to me when i did lights for Miss Peru TV show some time ago.
    the network told me that because of the union the Tv lights had to be operated by the regular guy working for them but.. there is no budget for an aditional board!!!(can you believed? :15: )...so i gave him all the TV lights on faders into the wing and make this to work as a regular lighting board while i was having fun whit my moving gears :headbang:

  • hi Rolf

    Maybe Record all that the other guy will use in the wings and create a TEMPLATE will help.
    so, he can raise and low the faders as will and not tmess whit your programing.
    some like your experience happens to me when i did lights for Miss Peru TV show some time ago.
    the network told me that because of the union the Tv lights had to be operated by the regular guy working for them but.. there is no budget for an aditional board!!!(can you believed? :15: )...so i gave him all the TV lights on faders into the wing and make this to work as a regular lighting board while i was having fun whit my moving gears :headbang:

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