idea for pallettes


i see that more and more fixtures or mediaservers with a lot of functions be operatet on the desk. the problem at this is, if you made pallettes for all you maybe need, the pallettesscreen becomes very confused.

my question:
is it possible to install a kind of pallettesdirectory?
for example,
i have a mediaserver and will create some palletes for videofiles.
it won´t to be nice if i could define one pallette (let us call them "video")as a pallettesdirectory and put all my videofiles in this.
its a little bit like the toolbar, but userdefineble.

is ther anyone who find this for a good idea and is it possible?

  • a good implementation of this can maybe be some sort of tabbed panels in the pallettes?

    -if you didn't know:.. I think most of us are using the views to get what you want. The views store the position in the views, so it's quite easy to just keep your video palletes from pallette no 100 and up as an example, and the just record a view that has its focus on those pallettes.. another handy tool i use a lot for mediaservers are the split functions on the pallette windows. that way i can have one pallette window just for mediaservers.
  • a good implementation of this can maybe be some sort of tabbed panels in the pallettes?

    -if you didn't know:.. I think most of us are using the views to get what you want. The views store the position in the views, so it's quite easy to just keep your video palletes from pallette no 100 and up as an example, and the just record a view that has its focus on those pallettes.. another handy tool i use a lot for mediaservers are the split functions on the pallette windows. that way i can have one pallette window just for mediaservers.
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