Assert Failed ??

Twice in two days, two different activities, two different show files. V2.6.0, WH3, DP2000, Cisco Switch, 2 ext 12" ELO touches, 1 MiniPlayback wing.

First time, I was "removing" 6 colour scrollers from my patch, hit remove, then OK to confirm, and the message (attached via jpg) came up. Tried retry, error came right back up; then tried ignore, same thing. Finally Hit abort, and all was fine for a few moments, then the desk started running really slow, then the desktop crashed (X on right screen).

Just now, I had my chosen master up, had a cue running, and clicked view cue, and the got the same error, tried, retry and ignore, then finally abort and the desktop crashed again. Never fun. Any thoughts?
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