I was thinking about this whole concept yet again, and it really seems like it'd be a great idea. Very often, I end up building off cues throughout the night, using blind mode to apply a snap or fade effect as the music comes along. All to often however, before I can save the effect or whatever I was upto, I want something else to come along that I want to fade it from the programer as well ... which leads me to my concept...
It'd be great to be able to have TWO ltp programmers, that you could switch between, to do exactly what I want, activated one (that would show on stage) with the other in able to be blinded until it either LTP'ed when blind is released, or combined via a "selectable" priority or something..
Now, this could be the results of far to many 16+ hour club nights, or just my bad programming habits ... who knows ;-) :poke: :aargh4: