Roadhog Hard Drive

I was curious, more for replacement sake, what the specs on the RoadHog hard drive are. I'm not experiencing any problems yet, however, I just wanted to be thinking about the future. Do I need a specific size and model? Can I just head to Best Buy and buy myself any old one as long as it's IDE or SCSI or whatever it is?

  • Brad-

    Here's what one of my fellow tech's said on a show he recently was on.

    ". . . at the beginning of the day the hard drive was making a louder than normal clicking sound as it was writing information to it. It happened about three times at around 15 minute intervals."

    What do you think it could be? Sounds like the HD could be going bad.

    I had sent you my serial numbers a several days ago in respect to cables falling out of the touchscreens and sometimes out of the motherboard. So you should be able to pull them up I think.
  • Brad-

    Here's what one of my fellow tech's said on a show he recently was on.

    ". . . at the beginning of the day the hard drive was making a louder than normal clicking sound as it was writing information to it. It happened about three times at around 15 minute intervals."

    What do you think it could be? Sounds like the HD could be going bad.

    I had sent you my serial numbers a several days ago in respect to cables falling out of the touchscreens and sometimes out of the motherboard. So you should be able to pull them up I think.
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