Hi all, so i'm an Avolites console guy and i'm spending the week learning the HOG 3, and i've got a question. I'm looking for the equivalent to the "Locate" function on an Avo console. I would like to light up a fixture and/or reset the fixture to open white. I know there is the High Light function, or i could use a palatte, but those arn't exactly what i want. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
Not sure what locate does on the Avo but how about using the set to defaults feature on the Hog? Hold the period key (.) and then press the attritube button you want to send back to its default value (I,P,C, or B). Also works with holding period and turning the specific encoder of the parameter you want to set to the default value.
Wow, thats pretty much exactly what i was looking for! The only other thing i would want is for the intensity to default to full, but other wise great! Thanks. Is there a list of all these hotkeys somewhere?
I think you more or less want a palette actually. You can set the palette to an intensity, position, color and effect removing all things. The locate button on an Avo is a useful function, but there is no direct equivalent in one keystroke.
You can change the default parameter values for fixtures in the "Edit Fixtures" window, accessed from the Fixture Schedule (patch window). Full details of edit fixtures can be found in the user manual/help in section 14.3.2
[quote=Phsion] I'm looking for the equivalent to the "Locate" function on an Avo console. the other way to do it would be the highlight key, this dosnt set Pos,Col or Beam to default but puts intensity to full. so if you type in the number of the fixture you are trying to "locate", hit enter then highlight that fixture will light up. Also works in conjunction with the "Forward" and "Back" keys