
I just finished a pretty intensive week of programming and the musical I was working on will have it's premiere tomorrow.

First, I must thank the developers of the software. During the programming session I had zero crashes. 2.6.0 seems to be very stable. Everything was running very smoothly. Though, our set was only 4 universes.


But, I also noticed a few things...

The timing's very annoying. Updating something using forward off still causes problems with timing. It seems that the time from cue I'm updating transfers to next cue.
For example if I have a cue using time of 2 seconds and the next cue is using time of 5 seconds. Updating with forward off causes a timing of 2 seconds in the cue of 5 seconds. So the channels I updated will outfade using 2 seconds...this causes lot of extra work, especially if you happen to have a more complex timing in a cue. I just want forward off to "undo" the values in next cue, not mess with timing.
This bug is not totally fixed.
It is also possible that the in the next cue channels get an off value when recording using forward off. When the channels have the off value the different fade time cannot be seen unless cue is opened. After editing the the off values to 0% the time can be seen also in the cuelist. This causes pretty unexpected outfades...

Levels window. It would be nice if you could see the current selection in levels window. I also noticed that the toolbar position of the levels window isn't recorded in a view.
Also, I would be happy to see a option where all windows are forced to not use scrollbars.
I also would like to record the park window in views.

Is there any possibility to mark cues automatically when going back? I got a bit tired pressing assert (also remembering to press) during rehearsals :)

I used the gel library a bit cause I had a few colour calibrated fixtures. It would be really nice if used gel could be seen also in cue data.

Could it be possible to have a syntax Cue Fixture # Copy Fixture # to copy fixtures from current cue?
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