SDK for Connectivity?

Hi guys,

I have been writing a plugin for 3DS Max 2009 to control animation of lights within the scene. Basically it reads in "cues" as an XML file and outputs the animation channels.

I would really like to tie this in with Hog3PC (so that when the "next" button is pressed the animation channels are generated automatically in Max - not rendered in real time obviously, but at least then test renders can be done). Is there an SDK available (I am using VS2005 SP1, which is the platform for 3DS Max 2009) for the connectivity functions?

Or if there is nothing publically available, could someone point me in the right direction within HighEnd for someone to talk to about this?

Many thanks,

  • Thanks for the replies!

    Eric - yes... I suppose in broad terms a visualiser is what I am looking at creating. However, the idea is to take programmed cues and record them to animation channels to be rendered out later (using Mental Ray or V-Ray - I've also been looking at a Maya connection to render using RenderMan), rather than doing real time visualisation.

    I suppose you could also say that it is a tool for lighting Max/Maya scenes using 3PC as if I were lighting a real show.

    Quinn - thanks very much for the very detailed reply. There is a lot to think about there.

    Using cue data fits very well with the whole concept of keying (as opposed to keying every parameter once per DMX refresh)

    I agree - it would also get over the issue of DMX refreshing, as long as you could "get" data from the cue such as the length of time a fade / movement should take. That would prove tricky however for any movement that was not linear...

    Never use pan/tilt. Focusing through a render window blows. always map 3 parameters to “Center of Interest” XYZ

    Excuse my ignorance. By that do you mean that the spotlight (or whatever kind of Max/Maya/V-Ray/finalRender light it is) should always be set to "look at" a dummy object/helper and it is that helper which is animated, rather than the light itself?

    Remember to add parameters to animate “hang position”, too.

    As part of the project, I plan on creating a library of fixtures, which are then inserted by a single button or menu click (the fixture geometry and the max/maya light will be created using a MaxScript/MELScript). onClick, a UI will pop up asking for hanging position.

    Perhaps it would be easier to create a simple(ish) UI inside the 3D app (or using the .NET connection in the latest Max) which emulates as closely as possible all the relevant 3PC functions. Then all(!) I would need is to write a file translator which reads 3PC cues and converts them into a format that Max/Maya can understand (probably using XML as the middleman).


  • Thanks for the replies!

    Eric - yes... I suppose in broad terms a visualiser is what I am looking at creating. However, the idea is to take programmed cues and record them to animation channels to be rendered out later (using Mental Ray or V-Ray - I've also been looking at a Maya connection to render using RenderMan), rather than doing real time visualisation.

    I suppose you could also say that it is a tool for lighting Max/Maya scenes using 3PC as if I were lighting a real show.

    Quinn - thanks very much for the very detailed reply. There is a lot to think about there.

    Using cue data fits very well with the whole concept of keying (as opposed to keying every parameter once per DMX refresh)

    I agree - it would also get over the issue of DMX refreshing, as long as you could "get" data from the cue such as the length of time a fade / movement should take. That would prove tricky however for any movement that was not linear...

    Never use pan/tilt. Focusing through a render window blows. always map 3 parameters to “Center of Interest” XYZ

    Excuse my ignorance. By that do you mean that the spotlight (or whatever kind of Max/Maya/V-Ray/finalRender light it is) should always be set to "look at" a dummy object/helper and it is that helper which is animated, rather than the light itself?

    Remember to add parameters to animate “hang position”, too.

    As part of the project, I plan on creating a library of fixtures, which are then inserted by a single button or menu click (the fixture geometry and the max/maya light will be created using a MaxScript/MELScript). onClick, a UI will pop up asking for hanging position.

    Perhaps it would be easier to create a simple(ish) UI inside the 3D app (or using the .NET connection in the latest Max) which emulates as closely as possible all the relevant 3PC functions. Then all(!) I would need is to write a file translator which reads 3PC cues and converts them into a format that Max/Maya can understand (probably using XML as the middleman).


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