Master setting

Dear friends,

Can anyone tell me what is the use of USE FADE TIME in the Master II (HALT) setting ?

  • By default playing backwards thru a cuelist will fade to the previous cue using the back time. By selecting "USE FADE TIME" the list will fade back to the state of the previous cue using the timing of the previous cue.

    Using Fade Time with Go and Goto commands allows the user to play the entire cuelist using a defined fade time every time they press go. This will ignore all the recorded fade times with each cue and instead use the specified go (or goto) time. Unfortunately however this feature does not currently work with GO as stated in bug #10857. It does however work with goto.
  • By default playing backwards thru a cuelist will fade to the previous cue using the back time. By selecting "USE FADE TIME" the list will fade back to the state of the previous cue using the timing of the previous cue.

    Using Fade Time with Go and Goto commands allows the user to play the entire cuelist using a defined fade time every time they press go. This will ignore all the recorded fade times with each cue and instead use the specified go (or goto) time. Unfortunately however this feature does not currently work with GO as stated in bug #10857. It does however work with goto.
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