i have set the desk in "page leave in backround" mode. i have two pages with normal, htp and ipcb faders.
for example: on page 1 master 1 is a normal master and on page 2 master 1 is a htp master. when i set on page 1 the normal master on any value and change the page to page 2, the htp master takes the value from the master 1 on page 1 at this time when i press "next page". it leaves not in backround! the same happens with an ipcb master.
also, if you have some deskchannels recorded in a cue on a htp master, you can´t do an effect on this channels. htp works here not only for high levels, also for low levels.....:dunno:
soooo.......now i have to wash some dirty clotes and i´m hungry too....