Recently i use WH3 desks heavy on shows. Before have expirience only with RH and iPC desks.
Consoles both have 2.6.0 soft. One desk have OS from 2.4.0 restore CD, other desk came with 2.5.0 preinstalled. I don`t know what CD was used to full restore it.
And here is some strange behavior of WH3 desks:
1) Crash of desktop process lead to full crash of desk. I can`t restart process with Ctrl-Alt-Del as on iPC. And when i switch off power - desk UPS hold it online (and crashed) for several minutes.
2) Pitch wheel, if i try to scroll it above ~75% - Grandmaster came to 0% (Blackout).
3) When main power lost - desk switch to UPS and start to shutdown immediately with no questions. If power returned after few secs (someone accidentely drag power cord and then replug it) - desk anyway must start up (3 mins boot time)