Unable to connect IPC and WygR22

Hi there,

Trying since 2 weeks to connect IPC (Hog3pc mode) and WygR22.
Ipc Control panel and Hog3pc are updated with last version.
I tried ton change network config with control panel but I have this message :
Unable to bind to configured adapter, reconfiguring to use valid network adapter.
I tried with a crossover ethernet wire, a non crossover, with a router and nothing happen.
Any Idea? I need wyg next week for a big show.
  • Be sure that you are not using the loopback adapter on either console. First you want to be sure both consoles are connected to a router. In the control panel you want to use DHCP for your connections as well.

    This is really my problem I can't change the network adapter. Ipc (from what I understood) use Loopback adapter to simulate hog3 network (no dp2000 here of course).
    Each time I tried to change the adapter (in the Ipc control panel or directly from Hog3pc panel) I have this f**g message : Unable to bind to configured adapter, reconfiguring to use valid network adapter. And Ipc restarts with the loopback adapter, wich can't accept DHCP...
    Thanks for you help...
  • Be sure that you are not using the loopback adapter on either console. First you want to be sure both consoles are connected to a router. In the control panel you want to use DHCP for your connections as well.

    This is really my problem I can't change the network adapter. Ipc (from what I understood) use Loopback adapter to simulate hog3 network (no dp2000 here of course).
    Each time I tried to change the adapter (in the Ipc control panel or directly from Hog3pc panel) I have this f**g message : Unable to bind to configured adapter, reconfiguring to use valid network adapter. And Ipc restarts with the loopback adapter, wich can't accept DHCP...
    Thanks for you help...
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