Change background color of pallet items

I'd like to be able to change the background color of each "cell" of the pallets for organizational purposes. Maybe this can be done already but, I cant find any info on this.

An example of how this would be to be able to change the color of groups of different types of fixtures so they can be more easily identified.

If I am not mistaken, Grand MA has this ability.
  • Brad,

    You know, with the Hog fleet being used on more and more media server gigs, especially enormous rigs like the Olympics, I would imagine that image files for palettes would be something you guys are working on. Has anyone inquired as to the implementation of animated files like gif animations for thumbnails? I've always found it more useful to use the Content Guide on the HES web site rather than the content manger, simply because clicking on the Guide thumbnail gave me a sample of the animation. I dont suppose Flash animation could be added to the Hog3 someday?
  • Brad,

    You know, with the Hog fleet being used on more and more media server gigs, especially enormous rigs like the Olympics, I would imagine that image files for palettes would be something you guys are working on. Has anyone inquired as to the implementation of animated files like gif animations for thumbnails? I've always found it more useful to use the Content Guide on the HES web site rather than the content manger, simply because clicking on the Guide thumbnail gave me a sample of the animation. I dont suppose Flash animation could be added to the Hog3 someday?
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