Requests Hog III

I'm going to post some requests that i would like to see in future
HogIII OS release.
They are not in any order or priority but reflect the things that i find waste time on the type of shows i am involved with.

1.Patch Merge nothing else or complicated just merge the patch only from one show to another or possibly the ability to export the patch and re import it as preference maybe?
2.Ability to record HTP effects.
3.Ability to record global effects palettes in the effects directory.
4.Improved cue-list timing or better results after update or merge.
5.Improved and simplified show merge options.
6.Basic keystroke Macro's or at least some sort of timeline as to the start of Macro implementation.

Please don't get me wrong but the imminent arrival of the DP-8000 should not have any bearing on any of these requests as not all WholehogIII OS consoles will have the capabilities of using the new hardware.

Most of the above features were available on Hog II os which is nearly four years out of date now so i see no reason why some of these requests should now be available on Hog III OS.

As always thank you for your help and support.

  • [quote=cormacjack;40927]Hi Brad,
    Any chance we might see some of these features
    in the new "surprise" you spoke about in some of the
    other posts?
    Thanks Cormac

    Ohh OHHH OHHHHH that really would make my day!!

    :hogsign: :hogsign: :hogsign:

    :p :friday:
  • [quote=cormacjack;40927]Hi Brad,
    Any chance we might see some of these features
    in the new "surprise" you spoke about in some of the
    other posts?
    Thanks Cormac

    Ohh OHHH OHHHHH that really would make my day!!

    :hogsign: :hogsign: :hogsign:

    :p :friday:
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