Network Drive Disconnect Crash

I did a show 2 days ago with a Hog 3 and a DP2k running 2.6.0. I had connected my laptop to the network which got an assigned IP from the Hog 3 of I connected to a shared folder to back up my show. I went to the shows window, backup, added a new windows window and hit enter. It backed up successfully. I pressed OK and it went back to the shows window. I pressed backup again to bring up the browser window. I wanted to disconnect my laptop and shut t down. I clicked the disconnect network drive icon (one to the right of add in the top right with the red x). When I did that, it said the network was busy and gave me the option to retry or ok. When I clicked retry, it basically crashed the console. Both screens went blank but the mouse became an X. Nothing worked. after a moment, the face panel leds went out. I tried to shut off the console and it wouldn't do anything. Only thing I did was unplug it and let it die and shut off. I tried this again and had the same result.
