Ok, the network port for console networking is available, I understand that. But it is part of the design (and pricing) that networking is not enabled. Of course, Artnet will never happen in that desk, as the processor won't support it.
However, if they allow networking in the road hog, then what is the point of the full boar. People who bought the full boar will be pissed off that the 5K cheaper desk will do most of what the more expensive desk does. Networking is one of the most key features to the full boar. What is the sense in making a cheaper desk do almost the same thing as a much more expensive desk? Say they were to allow networking in the full boar, for a 5K dongle, would that really be all that much better? And you absolutely correct, the decision not to include networking has to be a buisness decision. And as a consumer, I 100% understand the decision they have made.
Ok, the network port for console networking is available, I understand that. But it is part of the design (and pricing) that networking is not enabled. Of course, Artnet will never happen in that desk, as the processor won't support it.
However, if they allow networking in the road hog, then what is the point of the full boar. People who bought the full boar will be pissed off that the 5K cheaper desk will do most of what the more expensive desk does. Networking is one of the most key features to the full boar. What is the sense in making a cheaper desk do almost the same thing as a much more expensive desk? Say they were to allow networking in the full boar, for a 5K dongle, would that really be all that much better? And you absolutely correct, the decision not to include networking has to be a buisness decision. And as a consumer, I 100% understand the decision they have made.