Very helpfull thank you. Now by connecting two descs together if the main desc die then you have the backup to go on but then what about the dmx signal? Should I use a dmx merge for that? Since I am using 3x DP2000 wold it be easyer to use an ethernet hub for taking signal from two hog3 and send to the DP2000?
Hogs should connect to an ethernet SWITCH (not HUB) DP's connect to ethernet switch
Load show on "Server" desk. Connect to server desk with "Client" desk
Run the show from the CLIENT desk. That way, if ,for some odd reason, you have an issue during the show, you switch over to the SERVER desk. If you were to run on the SERVER desk and have an issue, the SERVER will shutdown and you would not be able to run anything on the client desk.
If you are connecting two consoles via MSC then you can use a DMX switch to switch DMX lines. There are several on the market including the DMX DataLynx and the 8 universe switch from City Theatrical (
You do not want to use a DMX merger as this could cause problems with both desks sending outputs at the same time.