Cues reference the parameter values in palettes but not any palette timing. Is this intentional? I would like to build cuelists from palettes with timing where the timing is referenced.
I hope to see you soon to speak about Hog 3 and other things. I think that time values should be like all other values, if the palette is not a global one, all features even time, fixture number and a priority value for each parameter of each fixtures should use global, allows refs, per type, per fixture (not for group), as direct (even for group palettes).
I hope to see you soon to speak about Hog 3 and other things. I think that time values should be like all other values, if the palette is not a global one, all features even time, fixture number and a priority value for each parameter of each fixtures should use global, allows refs, per type, per fixture (not for group), as direct (even for group palettes).