Yes it is possible to have a third monitor. You will connect it to the DVI connection on the back of the iPC. It can be a touch screen monitor as well. After you connect the monitor go into the control panel of the iPC configuration or the Hog3 control panel and enable the third monitor. Now when you launch into a show you will have the ability to move screens onto it. If you are using Hog 2 then you can only add this monitor from the iPC configuration not the Hog 2 control panel.
Yes it is possible to have a third monitor. You will connect it to the DVI connection on the back of the iPC. It can be a touch screen monitor as well. After you connect the monitor go into the control panel of the iPC configuration or the Hog3 control panel and enable the third monitor. Now when you launch into a show you will have the ability to move screens onto it. If you are using Hog 2 then you can only add this monitor from the iPC configuration not the Hog 2 control panel.