future of wholehog 3

hi gents,
i have the feeling in germany ,are becoming less.when i talk to technicians more and more switsch to grand ma.wholehog is rarely.the wholehog 2 was overall , Or deceives? and when grandma 2 is commoing...vs wholehog 3...:hogsign:

greets dol
  • Overall hog3 really suits my neads for a console, but there are somethings I've seen on a grandma or other desk that in my opinion should be implemented in hog 3 in a way.

    I think one of the most powerfull aspects of the desk is the uniform sysntax that is verry powerfull, and most of the programming job can be done without to much fiddeling on the touchscreens.
    Also the wide range of consoles/hogpc is great to make the system a know standard.

    But ofcourse there are also some thing that need to be done to keep the current possition in the console market for eg:

    - better networking /redundancy (seen some nice stuff from etc)
    - more fixture calibration (would make life simpler in some way)
    - extended macro capabilities (suits the powerfull sysntax that we've got)
    - away to organise fixtures that work together in the patch (for eg scrollers with their dimmer channel)
    - an extention on the effectgenerator (i'd really like the option to trigger thing by audio-in like done on the grandma )

    Overall I have to say that I'm :) with:hogsign:
  • Overall hog3 really suits my neads for a console, but there are somethings I've seen on a grandma or other desk that in my opinion should be implemented in hog 3 in a way.

    I think one of the most powerfull aspects of the desk is the uniform sysntax that is verry powerfull, and most of the programming job can be done without to much fiddeling on the touchscreens.
    Also the wide range of consoles/hogpc is great to make the system a know standard.

    But ofcourse there are also some thing that need to be done to keep the current possition in the console market for eg:

    - better networking /redundancy (seen some nice stuff from etc)
    - more fixture calibration (would make life simpler in some way)
    - extended macro capabilities (suits the powerfull sysntax that we've got)
    - away to organise fixtures that work together in the patch (for eg scrollers with their dimmer channel)
    - an extention on the effectgenerator (i'd really like the option to trigger thing by audio-in like done on the grandma )

    Overall I have to say that I'm :) with:hogsign:
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