future of wholehog 3

hi gents,
i have the feeling in germany ,are becoming less.when i talk to technicians more and more switsch to grand ma.wholehog is rarely.the wholehog 2 was overall , Or deceives? and when grandma 2 is commoing...vs wholehog 3...:hogsign:

greets dol
  • [QUOTE=bradpepe]Joren,

    You said you would like to see the following:
    - better networking /redundancy (seen some nice stuff from etc)
    - more fixture calibration (would make life simpler in some way)
    - extended macro capabilities (suits the powerfull sysntax that we've got)
    - away to organise fixtures that work together in the patch (for eg scrollers with their dimmer channel)
    - an extention on the effectgenerator (i'd really like the option to trigger thing by audio-in like done on the grandma )

    We see these items as high priority and are planning to implement the network backup, fixture calibration, and macros in the near future.

    As for the better patch organization, as posted you can use scoller dimmers for this particular fixture type. In addition you can move the fixture types as they appear in the patch (and other windows) by right clicking on the black bar and raising or lowering priority.

    We also have many plans and discussion about how and when to improve the effects engine.

    thanks for your input.

    It's good to know that work is being done on these things :)

    My opinion about te fx genarator is that you should have the possibility to use an external trigger in it, that being for eg a flash button, timecode, audio in.
    In this way it is possible to speed up/slow down or stop/start a movment bij triggeren the fx generator so you can sinq it to the preformance in a way.

    thanks for the tip about the patch, didn't know that.
  • [QUOTE=bradpepe]Joren,

    You said you would like to see the following:
    - better networking /redundancy (seen some nice stuff from etc)
    - more fixture calibration (would make life simpler in some way)
    - extended macro capabilities (suits the powerfull sysntax that we've got)
    - away to organise fixtures that work together in the patch (for eg scrollers with their dimmer channel)
    - an extention on the effectgenerator (i'd really like the option to trigger thing by audio-in like done on the grandma )

    We see these items as high priority and are planning to implement the network backup, fixture calibration, and macros in the near future.

    As for the better patch organization, as posted you can use scoller dimmers for this particular fixture type. In addition you can move the fixture types as they appear in the patch (and other windows) by right clicking on the black bar and raising or lowering priority.

    We also have many plans and discussion about how and when to improve the effects engine.

    thanks for your input.

    It's good to know that work is being done on these things :)

    My opinion about te fx genarator is that you should have the possibility to use an external trigger in it, that being for eg a flash button, timecode, audio in.
    In this way it is possible to speed up/slow down or stop/start a movment bij triggeren the fx generator so you can sinq it to the preformance in a way.

    thanks for the tip about the patch, didn't know that.
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