future of wholehog 3

hi gents,
i have the feeling in germany ,are becoming less.when i talk to technicians more and more switsch to grand ma.wholehog is rarely.the wholehog 2 was overall , Or deceives? and when grandma 2 is commoing...vs wholehog 3...:hogsign:

greets dol
  • I'v got a feeling that this guy needs a good talking to by the admin guys or mods, because he obviously hasnt got the message. :angryfire:
  • All,

    When I first setup the forums here 4 years ago it was done with the principle of little to no moderation and open discussion. There are other forums out there where your posts get deleted if you say something that the moderators don't agree with or if you criticize their products. We don't do that here. We accept all the criticism as well as the compliments we receive here as valued feedback to try and make the products better and address the needs of the users.

    This thread has taken an unfortunate direction in many respects. First off, I want to say that the folks over at MA are good people and they make a good product. Clearly there is a strong market for both products. We are fortunate to have many Hog users that are as passionate about the console as we are about developing it. I know the same passion exists with the dedicated MA users out there as well.

    The openness of the forums often allows for some spirited discussion and debate, and frankly that's what keeps it interesting. Good ideas and new understanding often come from it. However, it is completely unacceptable when it turns to one user attacking or berating another user.

    The unpleasant part for me is having to step in with my Admin hat on to delete posts. It's something I've managed to avoid up until now. We've been watching this thread for a while and hoped that it would take a different turn than it has. I stepped in and deleted some of the offensive posts from this thread yesterday and am removing a couple more today that are in the same vein.

    We value all our users equally, and we obviously cannot host a forum where we allow users to attack each other personally. I'm hoping this will be the last time I have I have to step in with this role and that things will go in a more positive direction from here.
  • Hi,
    It was no intention a subjekt against to a another console.more it where are the Travel goes....maybe a new hardware wholehog 3.1...
    And it has barco the same Plan with the Console who HES or in the future more led and video function?..etc.
    I believe everything here know also Grand ma is a good produkt.and one would see with pleasure more hog.

    greeds dol