(2071) Bug Report: Outputs Lock Up

Name: Phil Gilbert
Date: 11/01/08
Software Version and build number: Full Boar v2.6 (2071)
Number of displays: 2 (internal only)
Connected USB Devices: Keyboard
Networked Devices: None
Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used:

I have 12 layers of Catalyst v4 patched. They are patched starting at 1 on Universe 1.

I am working actively on three layers.

I have repeatedly had an issue where I will return to the console (after several minutes of inactivity) and the actual DMX output has locked up.

The status of the console GUI seems to differ a little bit. In some cases, the console appears to work fine. In some cases the playback process has locked up in the process manager. Attempting to restart the playback process has twice resulted in a complete (non-recoverable) lockup of the console. Once I was able to log out and then back in to the show, but the internal widget was still not actually outputting information.

I believe this has something to do with Auto-Save backups. I have now disabled Auto-Save, and I have not since had any problems with the desk.

Show file is being FTP'd to Brad's attention.
